[S1E11] That Which We Destroy
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So where does Naomi sit Not with the athletes. Or the mathletes. But with \"The Blendeds,\" a character set which makes this nighttime teen soap a bit too Saturday morning tween sticom-y, if you ask me. (For fans of the genre, Kelly Taylor will later make a Saved By the Bell joke, so sit tight.) Apparently \"The Blendeds\" only consume--you guessed it--blended coffee beverages, and NOT the delicious Diet Dr. Pepper that Naomi is about to tuck in to. (Oh, wow, cool, there's a Diet Dr. Pepper That is like so totally awesome! I'm so glad 90210 is helping me to be a more savvy consumer! I also think I want to trade in my iPhone for a T-Mobile Sidekick because, wow, The Blendeds and Naomi Clark use them! They are so cool! I want to be cool, too!) Anyhow, in addition to their interest in sub-par mobile phone technology and sugary iced beverages, The Blendeds want Naomi to be their bitch. Done!
After school, we see just how willing Naomi is to drop the soap and take it from The Blendeds, because she arranges for her maid to deliver the clique their favorite coffee drinks right to the front steps of West Bev. Nice! Annie, of course, thinks Naomi is a tool, and tries to start a cat fight right then and there, but Naomi is too slick and Annie is too Kansas, so it ends with Naomi expressing her pleasure that Annie is dating Ethan (\"Enjoy my sloppy seconds!\") and Ethan expressing displeasure that Annie is being such a bee-yotch (frowny face). Naomi doesn't have time for Annie's games, though. She has stuff to do, namely score a reservation to the hottest make-believe restaurant in Los Angeles, which happens to be owned by the father of Ozzy, the detention stud who makes a mean grilled cheese but doesn't like Parchesi. Ozzy is amenable to scoring a reservation for Naomi and The Blendeds. Didn't that seem too easy No, not Naomi. I mean how easily Ozzy agreed to do her the favor! Keep that in mind, folks. 90210 is all about foreshadowing.
Ah, yes, time to take Sean to dinner. Of course, they're joined by the other Moms, Tracy (Naomi's really, really, really scary, freaky mother) and Debbie. During dinner we learn that Tracy a) Gets her hair done in the same place that Naomi sometimes does, which is a place that specializes in making women in 2008 look like Shirley Temple in 1935 and b) Really, really, really loves sushi. She has taken Sean to (real) places all over Los Angeles: Katsuya, Nobu, and Matsuhisa and would like to have lunch at R-23 tomorrow, which means c) She is totally unconcerned about Mercury levels in her system thanks to all the fish she is eating. Honestly, besides that we don't learn anything during this meal.
Dixon is out on the field working out his anger issues in the form of unruly and unsportsman like behavior. Principal Dad boots his ass out of the game, to which Dixon, now not interested in veiling his jealousy and disdain, replies \"Screw you!\" Whoa, that was not cool! I bet you are going to have to have a heart to heart in the locker room with your Coach/Principal/Dad. (No wonder people have an identity crisis every ten minutes around here!)
Stefan finds Bonnie (Kat Graham) and asks her to help him find Elena. He gives her Elena's necklace to make a spell but when she tries nothing happens. She leaves and goes to her grandmother (Jasmine Guy) to ask her why she does not have her powers anymore. Her grandmother tells her that she has to face what scared her, so Bonnie leaves and goes to the Fell's Church where Emily destroyed the crystal.
Brennan and her assistant, Zack Addy, determine the victim was burnt post mortem and the cause of death was electrocution, which Zack later figures out the current used was consistent with the current provided by a generator. When Agent Pickering asked Brennan about a classified information when she was in Cuba, she made a phone call about it. Handing the phone to Pickering, the person on the other line tells Pickering the review is suspended and wait where she is so someone can come to destroy her notes. From the ear wax in the ear that Zack had found earlier in the victim's throat, Dr. Jack Hodgins is able to determine the origins of the kidnapper to be South African. Booth remarks that companies use South African mercenaries.
The kidnappers threaten Booth by sending him Donovan's finger. From the finger, Brennan is able to ascertain that the boy is alive and her team is able to pinpoint the location the boy is being held, which is an abandoned gas station or mechanic shop. Booth and the SWAT team find the abandoned gas station, kill the kidnappers and save Donovan.
With every act, they push more people in a direction that eventually leads to the creation of the Rebel Alliance, humans and beings from all races coming together to fight against the regime that destroyed so many lives.
The Officer of the Arrestor cruiser displayed classic Imperial arrogance, thinking he could intimidate the owner of this small ship, but instead of that, his ship was neutralized and the fighters destroyed, the expression he had at the end of the scene was priceless.
Charlotte is living with her father and will become a weapon for both parents in the divorce, which means dumb Declan has just stumbled into the only family situation that will allow him to continue dating Charlotte. Neither of the Grayson parents are going to risk taking this moment to piss Charlotte off, so expect to see Victoria lavishing attention on the little working class leprechaun just like Conrad did this episode.
The next day, Han Ji-pyeong hears that Samsan Tech accepted an acquisition, not an investment which makes him worry. He rushes to find Dal-mi, who is in a meeting with Alex. He asks Jung Sa-ha for a copy of the agreement. Do-san and Dal-mi sit down for their meeting with Alex. Han Ji-pyeong is concerned that there are zero problems with the contract, and as Yong-san stops him from ringing Dal-mi, he asks why 2STO would pay three billion for an unprofitable start-up. Yong-san asks Han Ji-pyeong if he stopped his brother on speculation as well.
An example: we get a brief scene with Bix, played by Adria Arjona, who has become somewhat lost in the show's ensemble. Bix has been tortured, brutally, and is unable to say a word. She cries as one of the Empire's generals asks her more questions. Never has the Empire been depicted more horrendously than in Andor. We may have seen them destroy entire planets with Death Stars and Starkillers, but the human factor was never truly realized like it is here. In Andor, we see Bix trying to do what's good for her friends and family and the rebellion, and being beaten and damaged, perhaps beyond repair, because of her unwillingness to comply. It's a haunting moment that says everything about both Bix and the Empire's true nature.
Perhaps the episode's highlight, however, is the tense exchange between Stellan SkarsgÄrd's Luthen and Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera. Luthen understands that sacrificing thirty men is a necessary evil to make sure the Empire is not made aware of his man on the inside. Saw initially disagrees; they should save their men. A blaster is drawn and Luthen, for a brief moment, looks set to leave this mortal coil. Then, the tides change, and Saw agrees with Luthen. It's a testament to the writing and the acting that a scene in a dark cave has so much ferocity. And the fact that straight after we're gifted a dog fight in space, in which Luthen takes on a roaming Empire ship and lives to tell the tale, is just the cherry on top of a thrilling storyline.
Brennan and her assistant, Zack Addy determine the victim was burnt post mortem and the cause of death was electrocution, which Zach later figures out the current used was consistent with the current provided by a generator. Agent Pickering's security review is terminated by her superior when she asks Brennan about a certain piece of classified information. All her notes taken from the team are instructed to be destroyed. From the ear wax in the ear that Zach had found earlier in the victim's throat, Dr. Jack Hodgins is able to determine the origins of the kidnapper to be South African. Booth remarks that companies use South African mercenaries.
The kidnappers threaten Booth by sending him Donovan's finger. From the finger, Brennan is able to ascertain that the boy is alive and her team is able to determine that the boy is likely being held in an abandoned gas station or mechanic shop. The FBI is able to determine that while Polina's cell phone was never used after she was kidnapped and killed, it was also never turned off and eventually passed into the coverage area of another routing tower which gives them a 75 square mile area to look. There's six abandoned gas stations and mechanic shops in the area, five urban and one rural. While the FBI SWAT teams intend to hit all of them, Booth takes Brennan to the rural one, believing from his own Special Forces experience that that's the one that mercenaries would choose.
At the gas station, SWAT determines that there are three adults inside the building using thermal imaging, but can't locate Donovan which Booth speculates is because he is so small and so cold. Leaving Brennan outside, Booth and the SWAT team storm the building and engage in a quick gunfight with the mercenaries which leaves all three men dead. Booth rescues a terrified Donovan, gaining his trust using a code word given to him by Carl. Carl is brought to the scene and tearfully reunited with his son while Booth tells Brennan that he's gladder than ever to be a parent.
Dean checks in with Sam and they conclude that the scarecrow is a manifestation of a pagan god and takes the couple (fattened up by the locals) as a fertility sacrifice. The two of them kind of apologize to each other and Dean admits Sam has to do his own thing and he admires him for standing up to their dad. Dean meets with a local professor (William B. Davis) who provides information on a Norse god, the Vanir, which the locals of Scandinavian descent imported with them. According to the books, its energy springs from a sacred tree. Dean thanks him for his help and goes out of the room... whereupon the sheriff knocks him out. 59ce067264